World War I Monuments in Fannin County
First Baptist Church, Ladonia
"These gallant men of our Armed Forces have fought for the ideals which they knew to be the ideals of their country."
The monument contains the names of a Red Cross Nurse and 31 men, including James Powell Walker, who "fell in battle in France on August 10, 1918"
McKenzie Methodist Church, Honey Grove
Contains the names of 30 individuals plus three who died in service:
John Norton
Jett Falls
Bedford Watts
Honor Roll at the
First Baptist Church, Honey Grove
Henry Logan Ballew, Albert Richardson, Henry Dickson, Clem Abbott, Delmer Stone, Huston Robinson, Waldo Huggins, Austin Pinkham, Albert Waters, Ollie Bartlett, Dr. O. O. Gain, Dr. White Shortal, Ab Felty, Fred Cook, Frank Chaney, John West (ordained minister), Milton Watson, Lovie Livingstone, David Spellers, Otis Owens
Veterans Memorial in downtown Trenton
First Christian Church, Ladonia. This building is gone and the location of the memorial unknown.
First Presbyterian Church, Bonham
The World War I veterans listed are:
Dr. E. H. H. Foster, Ray Lowe, James Alexander, Roderic Young, Edward Grant, Jouett Campbell, Pat Buchannan, Frank Knox, William Wherman, R. t. Groves, Robert W. Grant, Delmar Whittenberg, Henry Buchanna, Rob't Alexander, James Gribble, George Bird, Glenn German
Veterans Memorial at Gober
Veterans Memorial on the Square in Leonard