Courthouse Cornerstones
Fort Worth Daily Gazette, Thursday May 18, 1888
Ceremonies Attending the Laying of the Corner Stone at Bonham.
Special to the Gazette.
BONHAM, Tex, May 16. - Today had been one of the most auspicious for Bonham and Fannin county ever experienced in the history of the city and county. The occasion was the laying of the corner stone of Fannin county's new courthouse which when completed will be second in magnificence to only one public building in the state of Texas, that being the state capitol. The ceremony was performed by the Masonic order. Every lodge in the county was represented. The Texas and Pacific ran excursion trains, and it is a safe estimate to place the number of visitors at 5000. The Masons who took part in the grand march would number about 400. The ceremony was performed with the usual solemnity and imposing manner of the Masonic order, and the address delivered by Elder Charles Carlton of the Main street Christian church, was very appropriate, comparing Bonham now to Bonham in 1838, when the first court held in the county was convened in a small log-cabin on Red river and the entire population of the county could be numbered with four figures. Now the county could boast of 42,000 souls and the people of a temple of justice in the course of erection to cost $100,000. The stone for the same is found in this county.
The following deposits were made in the stone before it was finally placed in position: The names of the officers and member of Constantine Lodge No. 13, a copy of the constitution and by-laws of the lodge, various coins, names of the state, district and county officers and the courthouse contractors, a copy of Thrall's history of Texas, a copy of the Bulletin of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Bryan, the Bonham News Annual for 1888, a copy of the Dodd City Spectator, a copy of the Honey Grove Herald, a copy of the Farmers' Review of Bonham, a copy of the Bonham News, a copy of the Fort Worth Gazette of the 16th inst., a copy of the Dallas News of May 16. Then followed rolls of various lodges and organizations, and catalogues of the schools and colleges of the county, and statements of the Bonham banks. Martial music was furnished by the Bonham band and the vocal music, which was superb, was furnished by a large choir of lady and gentlemen singers, embodying some of the best talent in the state, under the directorship of Professor C. T. Caldwell.
The corner stone, which is of pure white marble, weighs 3300 pounds, and was procured at Rutland, Vt. It bears this inscription: "Laid by Constantine Lodge, 13 A. L. and A. M., A. D. 1888"
After the ceremony was performed the Masons marched back to their hall, where the final preparations were made for the magnificent benefit which is being enjoyed to-night by 300 or 400 Masons and their families.
Some of the additional items in the 1888 Cornerstone have been scanned and can be viewed:
Fannin County Bank. Statement of Condition at Close of Business May 15, 1888.
Below are the 1965 cornerstones
The time capsule of the 1966 contained a letter from Mrs. Victoria Morrow, who was present at the laying of the 1888 cornerstone on May 16, 1888 and the laying of the 1966 cornerstone. Read her letter.